Wonder Woman Movie

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Today you ladies are invited to spend the day in the company of this beloved superhero character known as Wonder Woman Shes a bit busy filming for the new movie but youll get to help her out through some important scenes Get the Wonder Woman Movie dress up game started to join her in and then get ready to discover the setting of the first scene Its going to take place downtown and your task will be to help her defeat the bad guys in order to defeat the city Make sure to also dress her up in the most feminine warrior outfit you can find in her wardrobe Do you think you can handle it Then follows a more girlygirl scene in which shes getting ready for a date yes Wonder Woman does dating in her spare time and its up to you to make her look jawdropping In the third scene which is a reallife inspired one you will have to choose an interview appropriate outfit as shes looking for a daily office job Have a blast

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